Summer Updates from P & A

We all hope everyone is staying safe and healthy!

We missed everyone at our annual booth at the Town of Aurora Chamber of Commerce Street Festival in June this year due to COVID 19. Hope to see everyone there next year.

Parts of Ontario are experiencing outbreaks of high Gypsy Moth populations, leading to tree defoliation in the Guelph area and in Eastern Ontario.  The key is to do egg mass surveys this Fall to determine the severity of next years infestation. This insect does have a cyclic nature of population building over 10 to 12 years generally.

And we are in the middle of a heat wave this July and subsequent dry spell. Please remember to water your trees.

We, at P & A Urban Forestry Consulting Ltd., can help provide guidance for your tree concerns and assist with any permits or arborist reports as needed.

Have a Great Summer!