Happy 2018 from P & A!

Happy New Year to all our past and present P & A Clients, and our business associates. We at P & A are excited at the prospect of working with you in 2018.

As we enter our 5th year (where did the time go?!) of business, we have several upcoming events to look ahead to.

In February, Peter will be attending the ISA Annual Conference in Huntsville. The ISA Annual Conference is always a fantastic opportunity to meet up with other Urban Forestry colleagues. In June, P & A hopes to participate again in the Aurora Street Festival. Connecting with the local community is always fun and it’s even better when the weather is nice!

Looking into 2018 with its frigid temperatures so far, it will be interesting to see how Gypsy Moth and Emerald Ash Borer populations may be affected.

2018 will be another educational year in urban forestry.

All the best in 2018 to you and yours!

Peter Wynnyczuk