Welcome Fall!

The end of September brought us to the beginning of Fall (September 23), National Forest Week (Sept 21st Week) and National Tree Day September 23rd, along with Climate Change Strikes and Rallies.

It’s no secret that trees and forests can help us fight climate change.

They provide

  • oxygen, for human survival
  • remove from the air and store carbon dioxide ,
  • shade to keep our air cool, reduce urban heat island effect
  • help with storm water management by slowing water movement in the tree canopies
  • provide sustainable products, such as solid wood furniture

Trees and forests including urban forests are an integral piece to climate change in the future. We all need to do our part by planting more trees, and saving and caring for existing trees.

So take a walk in a forest, or have a Fall picnic under your favourite tree, and de-stress.

Call P & A Urban Forestry Consulting for any of your tree concerns.